
The Ayaly Alaqan Composition


The Ayaly Alaqan composition – an imprint of the right palm of the First President of Kazakhstan – Nursultan Nazarbayev – is a symbol of the careful attitude of the Kazakh people to peace and tranquility on our planet. The height of the impression is 97 meters, it marks the year of the proclamation of the new capital of Kazakhstan – Astana.

The Ayaly Alaqan composition – an imprint of the right palm of the First President of Kazakhstan – Nursultan Nazarbayev – is a symbol of the careful attitude of the Kazakh people to peace and tranquility on our planet. The height of the impression is 97 meters, it marks the year of the proclamation of the new capital of Kazakhstan – Astana.

The basis for this composition is stylized as Taiqazan (big cauldron) – the personification of generоsity, hospitality, breadth of the soul of the Kazakh people. It in turn stands on three pillars, symbolizing independence, creative work and well-being of the people – the main value ​​of our state.